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Our Mission.

Mission Statement: "We glorify God by making disciples in our homes, in our community, and in the world."


Our mission is to be faithful to the Great Commission, which is Christ’s final instruction prior to His resurrection. Each of the gospels and Acts reveal Christ’s instruction for His followers to make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:14-20; Luke 24:44-53; John 20:21-23; Acts 1:8). This mission is accomplished when Christians engage others in gospel conversations. Therefore, we want to be faithful to Christ’s words by intentionally sharing the gospel in our homes, our community, and then to the nations.

Our Strategy.

  • Homes — We make disciples in our homes by regularly having conversations that deepen our commitment to Christ and His Word.

    • We believe the home is the primary location for discipleship. The body of Christ is strengthened when families are personally committed to fostering a commitment to Christ in the home. Both the Old and New Testament speak to the responsibilities of godly people in the home (Deut. 6:4-7; Col. 3:18-25). Therefore, the Christian’s primary responsibility it to be making disciples in our homes.


  • Community — We make disciples in our community by investing in relationships that connect people to Christ and His bride.

    • We believe God strategically places people and churches in a particular location for the purpose of being His witnesses to the people in that community. The missionary strategy of the New Testament shows that once a city was evangelized and disciples were made, churches were formed, and leaders were installed to govern and shepherd the people (Acts 14:19-23). Each church would serve as the gospel witness to its community.


  • World — We make disciples in the world by generously giving and joyfully going to the nations in obedience to Christ and His mission.

    • We believe that while sharing the gospel begins in our homes and spreads to our community, the Christians should participate in evangelistic efforts around the world where gospel access is restricted. We participate in the global mission of Christ by generously giving financial support to the efforts of missions and going to the nations with the good news of Christ’s gospel (Matt. 28:19).

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