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Ridge: Small Groups.

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Most of our small groups meet on Sunday mornings between 9:00-10:15a. If you would like to participate in a small group, see one of our greeters to help you find a small group.



Small Groups are the best way to get connected. We have several opportunities for you and your family to connect through small groups. During Small Groups, you will get to know people, invest in one another's lives, find encouragement, and study the Bible.



The purpose of Small Groups is to provide a place to discuss the Scripture’s impact and relevance to our lives. We believe that every Christian possesses valuable insights that can edify the group.

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Small Group Material — Sundays
Our Sunday Morning Small Groups offer a offering community where individuals can deepen their faith and build meaningful connections. These gatherings meet before our main worship service, providing a space for discussion, prayer, and personal growth. Whether you're new to the church or have been attending for years, our small groups offer a great opportunity to engage with others, explore Scripture, and find discipleship in this life.

Small Groups

Our Sunday corporate gathering holds significant importance, yet part of our commitment that helps us follow Jesus and make disciples is found in the regular meeting of small groups. We encourage both our members and regular attendees to actively engage and participate in these groups to confess sin, celebrate joys, mourn together, and foster a culture of prayer and biblical understanding. Our groups are centered on biblical truth, fostering intentional community, evangelistic fervor, and growth. For information on which group would be good for you, please visit here.

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